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Cartoon of the Day: Paris - paris

"I’m on the Acela train to Boston this morning and, admittedly, having a hard time thinking about macro markets as the sun rises on the East Coast of Liberty’s Colossus.

The New Colossus is commonly known as the Statue of Liberty poem. It’s a sonnet that was written by Emma Lazarus in 1883.  Interestingly, the poem wasn’t placed on the pedestal of the statue until 1903. History often takes time to find her truths.

En francais, on appelle le statue La Liberte Eclairant Le Monde. And whether your mother’s tongue is French like mine’s is this morning or not… no matter what your politics, we should all stand together to defend all that is truth, liberty, and justice in this world this morning..." -Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough in today's Early Look