We are proud to announce the availability of our DG (Dollar General) Black Book to subscribers to our exclusive Retail network. The report is available for institutions who are premium subscribers of the Retail team, and on an a la carte basis for all institutional Research Edge subscribers.
About Research Edge's DG Black Book
Dollar General will be one of the companies joining what we call the Banker Bonanza with its IPO. As the private equity / LBO industry moves to get paid for their boom-time excesses, we'll be putting this suspect class of IPOs under the microscope for our subscribers. Research Edge is one of the only research teams not muzzled from covering IPOs by participation in the banking deals. Un-conflicted, Un-constrained, Un-compromised.
Our DG IPO Black Book, which is included in the subscription for Premium subscribers of Brian McGough's Retail segment, is also available a la carte to others.
- DG went private with stellar timing, just as unit growth halted, and margins compressed
- We examine how the change in mix and other investments have impacted margins during its 'private period'
- Given such changes, is the planned acceleration in store growth realistic, and are margins sustainable in that context?
- Ultimately, what is a realistic price for the equity in light of the current market environment, prospects relative to competitors, and change in financial structure?
For Premium and Exclusive Retail subscribers, please email for your copy of the DG IPO Black Book.
For institutional investors who do not yet subscribe to Research Edge Retail and would like to trial the research or purchase the DG IPO Black Book a la carte, please reply to this email with your request.