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FLASHBACK: Remember When Jim Cramer and His Minions Slandered Hedgeye and Our Short Call On Linn Energy? We Do. Here’s What Has Happened Since.

Jim Cramer's [Lack of] Integrity #Timestamped - 36

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We take great pride in the integrity of our work here at Hedgeye. We don’t like it when people like CNBC’s Jim Cramer falsely accuse us of orchestrating bear raids (an SEC violation), or when lackeys of his like a junior varsity reporter at Business Insider imply we are “breaking the law” simply because our research team makes a compelling and comprehensive call to short a particular company’s stock.

What we do like is when the dust settles and the scoreboard proves our investment call 100% right and our accusers wrong.

You may recall Hedgeye Energy Analyst Kevin Kaiser first began warning investors about accounting shenanigans at Linn Energy toward the end of March 2013. Kaiser argued the stock was worth about $15, when it was trading a little under $40.

Well, that clearly didn’t sit well with Cramer who was long the stock in his charitable trust and advised people to buy it in his Action Alerts product. A battle ultimately ensued between Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough and Cramer on Twitter, TV and online/print.

Cramer actually called us “unscrupulous” and went so far as accusing Hedgeye of violating the 1934 Securities Exchange Act in an article on his website and Twitter. He also attacked Kaiser’s work, not based on anything having to do with his analysis, but because he was too young according to Cramer. He also had Linn Energy’s CEO come on his “Mad Money” show to defend his company. Here’s a taste.

Jim Cramer's [Lack of] Integrity #Timestamped - cramer1

Jim Cramer's [Lack of] Integrity #Timestamped - cramer3

So what’s happened since Cramer slandered Hedgeye and told investors to stay long Linn Energy?


Take a look below.

Click image to enlarge.

Jim Cramer's [Lack of] Integrity #Timestamped - linn energy

Bottom line? Shares of Linn Energy are down 39% since Kaiser made his call in March 2013, while shares of its sister company LNCO are down 47%.

*For the record, since Cramer penned his ridiculous (libelous) piece on June 19, 2013, shares of Linn Energy (LINE) have plunged 30%, while shares of LNCO have fallen even further, dropping 43%.

Nice work, Jim. #Booyah