Below is our "Chart of the Day" and a brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by our Risk-Manager-In-Chief Keith McCullough.

You know, if you start with the fractal geometry of The Game’s board, #Quad4 is a thing, right? On our G20 Quad Board of economic realities, there are 4 countries (out of 20) in #Quad4 for Q4 of 2024:

  1. France
  2. Mexico
  3. Russia
  4. Spain 

We’re not long of any of those Country Exposures for that risk management reason. Our Short Turkey (TUR) position is down another -1.3% this morning and moving into #Quad4 Crash Mode, crashing -21.3% from its #Quad1 in Q3 Cycle Peak!

CHART OF THE DAY: Global Economic Realities - cht1