Below is our "Chart of the Day" and a brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by our Risk-Manager-In-Chief Keith McCullough.

Locally in the US, as the Dollar is devalued, you also get a real-world INFLATION of Asset Prices. The most obvious place to “see” that is in your accounts. It was obvious in many Commodities last week too:

  1. CRB Commodities Index reflated +3.1% last week, Phase Transitioning back to Bullish TREND
  2. Oil (WTI) reflated +4.8% last week, moving to Bullish TRADE (but still Bearish TREND)
  3. Dr. Copper reflated +2.5% last week, Phase Transitioning to Bullish TREND
  4. Natural Gas reflated +5.6% last week and remains Bullish TRADE and TREND
  5. Rubber reflated +6.2% last week to +12.3% in the last month alone (Bullish TREND)
  6. Sugar reflated +17.2% last week to +29.4% in the last month alone (Bullish TREND)

No. That’s not a typo on Sugar #INFLATION. If the Federal Reserve doesn’t want to transparently discuss the real-world prices of things, that’s their problem.

The Purchasing Power of The American People is developing into their “price stability” problem (again) too.

CHART OF THE DAY: Fed Causing Real World Inflation - chart

If you're tired of MSM/CNBC narratives and BS financial research, we encourage you to take a closer look at the Early LookYou can thank us later.