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    Intraday Trade Signals for Stocks and ETFs

ADD: Align Technology (ALGN) to the Short side of Investing Ideas.

Commentary below from Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough within "Real-Time Alerts" delivered to #HedgeyeNation today.

Looking to hedge and/or SELL names that are A) Bearish @Hedgeye TREND Signals and B) nearing the TRR (top-end of their RISK RANGES)?

Coaching Notes:

1. If you execute YOUR #process like I do mine, you're always looking for those Similar Sets

2. Tom Tobin has had plenty of Institutional Investor interest on this SELL idea and it's one that signals it should continues to work

3. SPX Refreshed Risk Range = 5, i.e. another higher-low and hgiher-high, which remains Bullish in #Quad3,