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 Below is our "Chart of the Day" and a brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough.

If you took 515 cuts at the ball (in the last 10 months) and:

A) Were right on 413 of them with a MAX winning signal of +26.9% and an AVG winning signal of +1.7%
B) Were wrong on 101 of them with a MAX losing signal of -10.5% and an AVG losing signal of -1.9%

Your family’s hard-earned capital is VERY happy.

Of all the numbers on the page this morning, you know which one I’m happiest about? A: 84% signal average from the Short Side in a stock market that just made yet another ATH (all-time high).

CHART OF THE DAY: #Timestamped - cotd

CHART OF THE DAY: #Timestamped - Hedgeye University

CHART OF THE DAY: #Timestamped - JurrienTimmer