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    Intraday Trade Signals for Stocks and ETFs

ADD: Celsius Holdings (CELH), CAVA Group (CAVA), and American Healthcare REIT (AHR) to the Investing Ideas Long list.

Commentary below from Keith within "Real-Time Alerts" delivered to #HedgeyeNation today.

Let's keep the #HedgeyeNation train rollin' here!

Coaching Notes:

1. While I've sent you some "Sell-SOME" Signals today, it wasn't because any of those tickers were near the TRR (top-end of their Risk Range)

2. There are still plenty at or near the LRR (low-end of Risk Range) that my analysts #like 

3. We're looking to Buy Growth, as a Factor Exposure, and this is one of the growth stories that Howard likes that recently came public

I've been adding to IPO in Portfolio Solutions this week as well,


Small Cap Factor Exposure got smoked from the TRR (top-end of my Risk Range) this week (we didn't)... 

Coaching Notes:

1. But @Hedgeye TREND supports for what we're long (Russell Growth = IWO) and the Russell 2000 (IWM) held  - that's critical 

2. So... we get to buy some of our favorite Small Cap Longs AFTER they corrected

3. REIT Rob Simone has been all over this recent IPO (did I say we're LONG IPO?!),