With Google’s antitrust trial wrapping up yesterday, Hedgeye’s Telecom & Media Policy analyst Paul Glenchur initially expected a decision to come in 1Q 2024. But a new timeline from the judge will push the conclusion to Q3 at the earliest, overlapping with a second antitrust case against the tech giant.  

Today on The Call @ Hedgeye, Glenchur and Andrew Freedman discussed their expectations for the dual lawsuits.

“I was surprised the judge pushed it out that far,” Glenchur explains. “He also made a comment, ‘I don’t know what I’m going to do yet.’ If he rules against, then he’ll demand a remedy and that pushes you potentially into the next year (2025) if he finds liability, and I think the odds favor, more likely than not, that he will.”

Watch the full clip above. 

Why Google’s Antitrust Case Could Stretch into 2025 | <abbr name='Alphabet Inc.'>GOOGL</abbr> - Call Banner