Try The Call @ Hedgeye

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In this clip from Hedgeye’s 9th Semiannual Investing Summit, Marc Cohodes discusses the importance of tuning out the clown show on CNBC with Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough.

“This constant hoping for a Fed pivot every other week from the talking heads on the Cartoon Network that some call CNBC, have cost people hundreds of billions of dollars listening to the fools they have on it,” says Cohodes.

“I used to say that people spend more time researching where they want to go for dinner than they do of the names they own, because they listen to these clowns. They’re just overleveraged bull market players.”

CLICK HERE to access all 9 Hedgeye Investing Summit interviews

Marc Cohodes: “CNBC Has Cost People Billions Of Dollars” - HIS Guest Lineup