In this complimentary clip from The Call @HedgeyeHealthcare analyst Tom Tobin discusses his risk management process, focusing on how Healthcare - and stock picking in general - operates in #Quad4, with CEO Keith McCullough.

“For me the one thing that matters is that #Quad4 is good for Healthcare. Second part about that is, ‘well what names in my universe are accelerating? What has a good dynamic? What’s got the right sector and factor exposure?,’” explains Tobin. “Don’t overthink it. I’m trying to really stick to that. Obviously do good work and be detailed about it, but I’ve talked myself out a good idea because ‘I’m not sure’ or I’ve got some new special datapoint to design or develop.”

“Some people just want picks. If you want inaccurate ones go listen to Cramer every night,” notes McCullough. “But if you actually want to get educated on this game, and how hard it really is and get up to speed, this is what we are trying to do for you.”

(This clip is a small taste of what our subscribers get each day on The Call @ Hedgeye. In a nutshell, The Call is our morning research call hosted by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough with our 40+ analyst research team. It helps small and large investors alike make better decisions via unique and investable stock/sector updates CLICK HERE to learn more.)