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    Intraday Trade Signals for Stocks and ETFs

Below is a chart and brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. 

I’m obviously not MJ or Tiger. I am just a Mucker. And I don’t have issues with trusting either my process or my timing.

It’s obviously not the “average” of Cycle Time or the “valuation” of things that matters to me when I make Asset Allocation pivots. It’s the particular things. And this particular ROC (rate of change) ramp in Oil Volatility definitely matters:

  1. Oil Vol (OVX) closed at 63.34 yesterday
  2. Oil Vol’s @Hedgeye TREND Signal = 42.19 (above that is bearish for Oil)
  3. Oil is the heaviest weight in our league leading INFLATION Nowcast mode

CHART OF THE DAY: RoC Ramp In Oil Volatility Matters - ovx