“I love it when a plan comes together”

The quote above, of course, comes courtesy of former A-Team Captain and current 4Q23 macro strategist, John “Hannibal” Smith. 

And below is the pre-holiday, Durable Goods edition of our ongoing Shot → Chaser series whereby we document the evolution of “The Plan”

*Reminder: The Plan: 

  • Shock-tober (shot)  organic decel + UAW distortion + Other (student loan repayment/etc.) = accelerated/amplified deterioration in the domestic high-frequency data
  • November (chaser)  Easy Y/Y & M/M comps + UAW distortion reversal = probable acceleration in the reported sequential & Y/Y data (Nov data reported in December) = Quad 1 or Quad 2 month, at least optically

From there, Jan will = stiff double shot of hard comps and asymmetric downside risk

With respect to Durable Goods:

  • Headline Durables = -5.4% M/M (against negatively revised Sept estimates) = -680 bps deceleration to +0.3% Y/Y = RoC Cycle Low
  • Ex-Transports (i.e. imperfect read on ex-UAW related impacts) = +0.0% M/M = flat at +1.3% Y/Y
  • Ex-Defense & Aircraft (cleanest read on underling private sector demand) = -1.2% M/M = -110 bps deceleration to -0.2% Y/Y = RoC Cycle Low
  • Capex = -0.06% M/M = -97 bps decel to +0.58% Y/Y = continued Trend decel

In other words, “The Plan” remains on script with respect to the reported October data, as does the prospective November data as:

  • Some/all of the Transport related weakness is likely to reverse
  • Boeing received 63B+ in November orders alongside the Dubai airshow … which will presumably flow through the Aircraft Orders data for November & help juice Headline Durable Goods

In other, other words (first pic below) …

Real-Time Macro: Durable Goods | "THE PLAN" - 111

Real-Time Macro: Durable Goods | "THE PLAN" - 222

Real-Time Macro: Durable Goods | "THE PLAN" - 33

Real-Time Macro: Durable Goods | "THE PLAN" - 44

Real-Time Macro: Durable Goods | "THE PLAN" - 55

Real-Time Macro: Durable Goods | "THE PLAN" - 66
