CHART OF THE DAY: Understanding #Quad2 | FX & Commodities

01/19/21 08:22AM EST

Below is a chart and brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough.

The empirical (Quad) takeaway from both the Global Currency and Commodities markets is that even on a “Dollar Up” week, plenty of Currencies & Commodities continue beat the US Dollar like a rented mule.

Have you ever beat a rented mule?

Probably not, but the analogy triggered something in that brain of yours, didn’t it? Sort of like #Quad2 = Buy Commodities, eh?

A) CRB Commodities Index inflated another +1.1% last week taking its 3-month inflation to +15.5%
B) Oil (WTI) inflated +0.2% last week, taking its 1 and 3-month inflations to +9.6% and +25.1%, respectively
C) Corn inflated another +7.1% last week, taking its 1 and 3-month inflations to +25.1% and +30.1%, respectively

CHART OF THE DAY: Understanding #Quad2 | FX & Commodities  - 102

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