Below is a chart and brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough.

Empathize with me, peeps. Going both ways in macro markets isn’t easy. You have to be promiscuous and committed to the dating (or data-driven) scene. Don’t get upset about that. Get excited.

This #Quad2 macro market affair between Janet Yellen and the economic data can get REALLY steamy if she is who I think she is (a labor economist) and gives the Fed a short-term fix to the growing US unemployment problem.

Don’t imagine the impossible. Just probability-weigh what all the rich people who gave her new boss the Burning Bucks for the honeymoon. She can CTRL+Print Jobs Growth when combining the Treasury with the Fed.

Remember, pre the Yellen #MMT jobs-for-all news, Hedgeye HAD US GDP ramping to an all-time modern-era Cycle High of +10.3% year-over-year growth during #Quad2 of Q2 2021 anyway!

Then what? What happens to American Made #MMT in Q3 of 2021? Oh no, Mucker – did you have to mention it? The honeymoon and their riches deflate again into #Quad4 in Q3 of 2021…

And then we buy our Gold and Treasuries back?

REALITY: getting the Dollar right helps us get a lot of other things right.

CHART OF THE DAY: Dollar Could Decline More As #MMT Becomes Reality  - 88