CHART OF THE DAY: Viruses Are Viral

10/23/20 08:53AM EDT

Below is a chart and brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by Director of Research Daryl Jones. 

A few pieces of data to highlight:

  • The R naught, or transmission rate, of Covid-19 is now above 1 in 46 of 50 States. The positive test rate in the U.S. is also sitting at around 5%, which is roughly a doubling from a month ago
  • Globally, positive daily COVID-19 tests are at all-time highs as of yesterday coming in at just under 480,000 cases
  • Much of Western Europe, specifically the U.K., Spain, France, Italy and Germany are well above their highs in daily new cases versus the first wave in March - April

Although we have much better treatment, testing and tracing, and vaccine progress for COVID-19, it doesn’t change the fact that viruses are viral. There is a positive to the pandemic, which is that the we are likely to have one of the weakest common (for lack of a better word) flu seasons on record. The Chart of the Day below highlights current flu cases in the Southern Hemisphere so far this year versus prior years.

CHART OF THE DAY: Viruses Are Viral - jt1

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