McCullough: The Dollar Devaluation Continues

08/06/20 03:45PM EDT

Below is a brief excerpt transcribed from Thursday's edition of The Macro Show hosted by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough.

McCullough: The Dollar Devaluation Continues  - 8 6 2020 1 42 00 PM 

Can we look at the dollar?

Just take a look at the chart.

This is a pure, unadulterated, evisceration of the purchasing power of the American people.

McCullough: The Dollar Devaluation Continues  - 8 6 2020 1 42 46 PM

For the few of us that can, we are going to get paid on that when we own the upside down of that.

Look at the inverse correlation!

McCullough: The Dollar Devaluation Continues  - 8 6 2020 1 43 16 PM

The U.S. Dollar has a 0.99 inverse correlation to Commodities. Long Commodities is a big pivot that we made in June is paying off.

That is a 30-day inverse correlation of almost 1.00 and what you get at the end of the day is a higher cost of living. We will get paid, we will capitalize on it, and all of the Old Wall Proctologists will realize they’re missing out.

So when you watch Mnuchin and Trump try to get to this next great and tremendous deal, you need to realize what this deal is for.

It means a further dollar devaluation. That means fortunately we’ll continue to get paid especially in Gold this morning as it is up another full percent.  

McCullough: The Dollar Devaluation Continues  - EewOmmdWAAMWZr6

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