Below is a brief excerpt transcribed from today's edition of The Macro Show hosted by Macro Analyst Christian Drake 

Retail Sales Rebound? Look Closer - retail cartoon 01.14.2014

Retail sales numbers came in this morning.

As you can see in the charts below, we are well off-peak. We continue to slow. We do expect a plodding deceleration as we move forward. The US consumer continues to backstop both the domestic and the global cycle.

Relative stability in terms of domestic consumption has been our call. We expect a continuation of that trend at least in the near term.

But the risk remains asymmetrically to the downside. 

Retail Sales Rebound? Look Closer - 11 15 2019 11 32 18 AM

Retail Sales Rebound? Look Closer - 11 15 2019 11 32 51 AM