Exact Sciences: Citron Research Still Wrong

09/21/17 03:05PM EDT

Exact Sciences: Citron Research Still Wrong - Citron 11.09.2015

Everyone makes mistakes. Bad stock calls happen. It's all part of the game.

On that note, Citron Research's sensationalist short call on Exact Sciences (EXAS) springs to mind.

Here's a look at the "research" they published on May 15, 2017.

Exact Sciences: Citron Research Still Wrong - exas hedgeye

Now here's a look below at our analysts' response to Citron (written the same day). For the record, we were recommending long EXAS around $18 before Citron's ill-advised short call. We have remained long since. The stock is over $45.

The stock has been a winner gaining over 150% for our subscribers

Exact Sciences: Citron Research Still Wrong - exas hedgeye 1

Exact Sciences: Citron Research Still Wrong - exas hedgeye citron

"No offense to Citron Research," says Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. "But when it comes to Exact Sciences in particular, this was just really low quality research."

In closing, here's a 2-minute clip from a call hosted by our Healthcare analyst Tom Tobin back in January. He explains why (despite a 20% pop in the stock on earnings) Exact Sciences still has more upside.


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