Some say he is the “second most powerful man in the world.” 

Join acclaimed generational theorist Neil Howe — coauthor of The Fourth Turning — when he explains how the groundbreaking theories put forth in his prophetic 1997 book helped shape President Donald Trump’s controversial chief strategist Steve Bannon.

As Time wrote recently, “Bannon was captivated by a book called The Fourth Turning by generational theorists William Strauss and Neil Howe.” Neil was featured prominently in Bannon’s 2010 documentary Generation Zero which explains how the generational theories put forth in The Fourth Turning predicted the 2008 financial crisis and resulting political and social discord.


This thoughtful HedgeyeTV discussion will feature BIG IDEAS advanced in Howe’s book, how these various THEORIES have influenced Bannon’s politics and worldview, and what the ultimate IMPLICATIONS may be around the world in the months and years ahead.

Q&A with Neil Howe – only on HedgeyeTV