09/05/16 05:19PM EDT

The next President will face huge defense policy issues as soon as he/she is sworn in on January 20: how to deal with Russia, China and ISIS, the split between defense and non-defense discretionary spending and massive recapitization bills for the nuclear triad as well as conventional forces.  Priorities will be established early and choices must be made.  Both campaigns have already begun thinking about these decisions.  

Join us in an important call with Dr. James Miller, someone who has "been there and done that" and is in the know when dealing with all of these topics.  Dr. Miller will illluminate what he considers to be the top three issues and then take questions from listeners. 

As Under Secretary of Defense for Policy from May 2012 to January 2014, Dr. Miller served as the principal civilian advisor to the Secretary of Defense on strategy, policy, and operations.  He served as Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, from April 2009 to May 2012. For his accomplishments, he was awarded the Department of Defense’s highest civilian award, the Medal for Distinguished Public Service four times, twice by Secretary Gates, and by Secretaries Panetta and Hagel.  He also received the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Joint Distinguished Civilian Award.

Dr. Miller is President of Adaptive Strategies, LLC, which provides consulting to private sector clients on strategy development and implementation, international engagement, and technology issues. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Atlantic Council, and on the Board of Advisors for the Center for a New American Security and Endgame, Inc. He is a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, and the Department of Defense Science Board.

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