The breakdown in the central planning #BeliefSystem is worth studying. It's partly why, from June 2015 to today, $7 trillion has evaporated into thin air. That's the dollar amount that's been lost in total world equity market cap.


Despite the best efforts of central planners, economies in Europe, Japan and China remain mired in sub-par growth. After 673 central bank rate cuts globally, the global equity markets reflect this weakness. 

1. China's Shanghai Comp...

An Update On The #BeliefSystem Breakdown: The Missing $7 Trillion - shanghai comp 8 31

2. Japan's Nikkei...

An Update On The #BeliefSystem Breakdown: The Missing $7 Trillion - nikkei 8 31

3. Europe's EuroStoxx...

An Update On The #BeliefSystem Breakdown: The Missing $7 Trillion - eurostoxx 8 31