This Week In Hedgeye Cartoons

07/16/16 07:08AM EDT

Our cartoonist Bob Rich captures the tenor on Wall Street every weekday in Hedgeye's widely-acclaimed Cartoon of the Day. Below are his five latest cartoons. We hope you enjoy his humor and wit as filtered through Hedgeye's market insights. (Click here to receive our daily cartoon for free.)


1. Levitated (7/15/2016)

This Week In Hedgeye Cartoons - why so short 07.15.2016

Definition of levitate: "to rise or cause to rise and hover in the air, especially by means of supernatural or magical power."

2. Beta Bro (7/14/2016)

This Week In Hedgeye Cartoons - Beta Bro cartoon 07.14.2016

We present to you "Beta Bro." The defender of mediocrity in the active management community and all things S&P 500 beta.

3. Clueless (7/13/2016)

This Week In Hedgeye Cartoons - Fed  Haven t a clue  cartoon 07.13.2016

The Fed-induced bubble in financial markets has undoubtedly made the rich richer while its easy money policies have devalued the purchasing power of average Americans.

4. Central Banking 101 (7/12/2016)

This Week In Hedgeye Cartoons - negative interest rates cartoon 07.12.2016

According to the Fiscal Times:

"Japan's household sentiment soured and inflation expectations hit the lowest since the Bank of Japan adopted its massive stimulus program in 2013, a quarterly central bank survey showed... The ratio of households who said they trusted the Bank of Japan's policy management also hit a seven-year low, with more than half of the respondents doubting whether it was independent from government interference, the survey showed."

5. The Italian Job (7/11/2016)

This Week In Hedgeye Cartoons - Italian bank cartoon

Deutsche Bank’s chief economist said Europe's banks need a major recapitalization to the tune of €150 billion, as worries about Italian banks continue to make headlines. "And so Old Wall's begging for another bailout begins," Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough wrote today.

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