Weather is ravaging the corn crop in the United States, the largest corn producer in the world. In Argentina, the second largest producer of corn in the world, man is threatening to reduce the output of corn. Both weather and conflict are not good for corn supplies, and have pushed corn prices now to new highs.

The Central Government of Argentina is again fighting with its farm based producers on how exports should be taxed. This taxation issue has been around for a century as the government in Buenos Aires has tried to control the export of farm crops through export taxes. Historically, when the fight came to a climax, the result was a reduction of farm output over the following decade.

The populist government of the Kirchners is claiming that their taxation efforts are justified as they claim that agribusiness is now becoming more controlled by large moneyed groups. The farmers claim that the government is interfering with the free market and that higher profits are needed to meet the rising cost of farming.

The conflict is now threatening to cripple the Argentina as road closures are bringing fuel and food shortages in parts of the country. Neither side appears to be ready to concede its position. The sad fact is that Argentina is again on the midst of destroying its agribusiness, which is the only business segment where it is competitive in world markets.

It is said that God fixes at night what the Argentines break during the day. For the consumers sake worldwide, lets hope the Argentines help God this time.

Harry Scott
For Research Edge, LLC