Below are key European banking risk monitors, which are included as part of Josh Steiner and the Financial team's "Monday Morning Risk Monitor".  If you'd like to receive the work of the Financials team or request a trial please email .


European Financial CDS - European financials swaps widened considerably, increasing by a median of 18 bps. The U.K., Spanish and Italian banks widened sharply. Italian banks, in particular, were materially wider.

European Banking Monitor: Periphery Widening - ww. banks

Sovereign CDS – Sovereign swaps were wider around the globe with the sole exception of Germany, which tightened 3 bps to 24 bps., and now trades inside the U.S. by 4 bps. The biggest movers were Portugal, Spain and Ireland at +16, +12 and +8 bps, respectively. 

European Banking Monitor: Periphery Widening - ww. sov 1

European Banking Monitor: Periphery Widening - ww. sov 2

European Banking Monitor: Periphery Widening - ww. sov 3

Euribor-OIS Spread – The Euribor-OIS spread tightened by 1 bps to 12 bps. The Euribor-OIS spread (the difference between the euro interbank lending rate and overnight indexed swaps) measures bank counterparty risk in the Eurozone. The OIS is analogous to the effective Fed Funds rate in the United States.  Banks lending at the OIS do not swap principal, so counterparty risk in the OIS is minimal.  By contrast, the Euribor rate is the rate offered for unsecured interbank lending.  Thus, the spread between the two isolates counterparty risk. 

European Banking Monitor: Periphery Widening - ww. euribor png

ECB Liquidity Recourse to the Deposit Facility – The ECB Liquidity Recourse to the Deposit Facility measures banks’ overnight deposits with the ECB.  Taken in conjunction with excess reserves, the ECB deposit facility measures excess liquidity in the Euro banking system.  An increase in this metric shows that banks are borrowing from the ECB.  In other words, the deposit facility measures one element of the ECB response to the crisis.  

European Banking Monitor: Periphery Widening - ww. facilty