There is a resignation letter in the Op Ed section of the NY Times today addressed from to AIG CEO Edward Liddy. I recommend that you take a moment to read it.

I am proud to call myself a friend of Jake DeSantis.

Not only is Jake among the most intelligent and honorable people that I have ever encountered; he is also a warm, soft spoken man who exudes humility and decency. He and his wife have quietly done a tremendous amount of work to help others through the years, not the flashy photo ops that politicians and corporate leaders favor as they try to force camels through needle’s eyes; but the quiet, hands-on work in their own community and abroad that reflects a genuine commitment to the greater good. That he should find himself and his colleagues vilified in the court of public opinion so unfairly is an exceedingly cruel twist of fate.

In retaining dignity and integrity in the face of the rabid stupidity and cowardice of our elected officials and corporate leaders, who are now desperately seeking scapegoats to obscure their own guilt and are aided by a vile and corrupted popular press, Jake is an example for all of the honest men and women who work in the US financial services industries.

Andrew Barber

Andrew Barber