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Below is the "Chart of the Day" from today's Early Look and a brief excerpt written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough. If you're interested in learning more about how we approach protecting and growing our capital, make sure to download Keith's free 52-page eBook below.

What did you do? I can only guarantee you one thing this morning: unless you are part of our community and execute on components of and/or the entirety of my process, you didn’t do most of that!

If you do have a Long Only ETF Asset Allocation like mine, you made money yesterday. No, I didn’t make 200 basis points or “go moon” like a Tourist hopes to. I didn’t lose money when the crowd did. I made a little instead.

CHART OF THE DAY: What Did You Do Yesterday? - cod

CHART OF THE DAY: What Did You Do Yesterday? - Master the Markets Email Banner