Below is a brief excerpt and the "Chart of the Day" from today's Early Look note written by Keith McCullough.

And oh did we get a doozy of a ROC (rate of change) #acceleration in a critical US Growth report yesterday!

That’s right, AFTER the Old Wall and its Media chases their own Macro Tourist tails on CPI #accelerating this morning, we’ll re-focus your independent and multi-factor research lens on the NFIB Small Business report for November.

Whether the establishment and their “elite” political class “gets it” yet or not, we’re likely coming out of a Small Business Recession in Q1 of 2025. To be fair to the 2022 bears, it may be better characterized as a downright US depression!

CHART OF THE DAY: A Key U.S. Growth Signal You May Have Missed - el cod

CHART OF THE DAY: A Key U.S. Growth Signal You May Have Missed - Master the Markets Email Banner