CHART OF THE DAY: Large Cap Growth Outpacing Small Caps

07/08/24 07:38AM EDT

Below is our "Chart of the Day" and a brief excerpt from today's Early Look written by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough.

Riding #Quad3 QUALITY and LARGE CAP GROWTH remain obvious winners vs. Short (or underweight) SMALL CAP, SLOW GROWTH Factor Exposures:

A) Top 25% SALES GROWTH (SP500 Companies) were +1.2% on the week
B) Bottom 25% SALES GROWTH (SP500 Companies) were down -1.0% on the week

*Mean performance of Top Quartile vs. Bottom Quartile, SP500 Companies

CHART OF THE DAY: Large Cap Growth Outpacing Small Caps - cotd

CHART OF THE DAY: Large Cap Growth Outpacing Small Caps - Hedgeye University

CHART OF THE DAY: Large Cap Growth Outpacing Small Caps - JurrienTimmer

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