CHART OF THE DAY: As We Were Saying, Higher For Longer

06/13/24 07:49AM EDT

Below is today's "Chart of the Day" highlighted in today's Early Look by Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough along with a very brief excerpt.

When it was all said and done, what we’ve been saying for the last 6 months (#HFL = higher for longer on INFLATION and “One And Done” on Rate Cuts), won.

...interest rates don’t really move on what the leader of a weakening and conflict-of-interest laden establishment wants and/or needs to believe. They move on The ROC (rate of change) of GROWTH and INFLATION.

Bond Yields move, then the Fed moves their policy decisions.

That’s also why my original (and now 15 year old) battle plan was built on what’s still the most proprietary front-running battle axe on Wall Street: our GIP Model (aka The Quads):


If you get The ROC of GROWTH and INFLATION right, you get the next POLICY move right. 

CHART OF THE DAY: As We Were Saying, Higher For Longer - z ricci cod

This is a small taste from the Early Look which is delivered to investors big and small all around the world every morning before the market opens. We encourage you to ditch the narrative-laden, CNBC-BS crowd and join a better way.

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