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Takeaway: An exclusive HedgeyeTV webcast going live at 12:30pm ET on March 1st.

SPECIAL WEBCAST: Why We Believe Beyond Is a 3-Bagger | <abbr name='Beyond Inc.'>BYON</abbr> - 6Sb4XSVg

Hedgeye’s veteran Retail analyst Brian McGough and his team recently added Beyond (BYON) to its “Best Idea” Long list.

McGough will be hosting a special webcast featuring two separate conversations this Friday, March 1.

  • The first conversation, happening at 12:30pm ET, will be an hour-long deep dive with Beyond's Executive Chairman, Marcus Lemonis.
  • Immediately after, there will be another discussion with Marc Cohodes, an outspoken hedge fund manager who played a key role in recent management changes at Beyond and holds a long position in the company's stock.

The conversations will be focused on the opportunity and path ahead for Beyond and why this stock should be a 3-bagger over a TAIL duration (3-years or less) – if not sooner.

This webcast is happening a week before Lemonis hits the road to tell the BYON story. Hedgeye is first in the queue and no stone will be left unturned. Lemonis is also CEO of our Retail Team's Long Idea Camping World Holdings (CWH) which will be touched upon as well. But the main event here is BYON, and how it's going to put the nail in the coffin on Best Idea Short Wayfair (W).

**Please note this webcast is available exclusively to Hedgeye institutional and Retail Pro subscribers. If you are an institutional investor interested in accessing this webcast email sales@hedgeye.com.

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