CHART OF THE DAY: US 2-10 Spread Is At Lowest Levels Since 2000 (PT. 2)

07/27/22 08:27AM EDT

Below is a chart and excerpt from today's Early Look written by CEO Keith McCullough. 

Yes, I trade around my short positions aggressively mainly because:

A) I can
B) I don’t have a boss and/or any exposure rules other than my own
C) I love trading

‘But, but… you’re bearish… and last week… and the Yield Curve callout yesterday…

Yep, all true. But it’s also true that whatever you need/want me to be doesn’t matter. My positioning is what it is. It has nothing to do with my economic outlook (10s/2s just hit a new Cycle Low at -26bps this morning which is as bearish, economically, as bearish gets).

CHART OF THE DAY: US 2-10 Spread Is At Lowest Levels Since 2000 (PT. 2) - rep

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