Takeaway: Claims came in at 198K (SA) / 256K (NSA), down -4% w/w / up +0.4% w/w, respectively, lowest levels since Oct. 1969

Below is a complimentary research note from our Financials analyst Josh Steiner. Check out Josh's product Financials Sector Profor the latest financial updates.

Within Reach of 52 Year Lows For Weekly U.I. Claims  - AdobeStock 174661517


The domestic economy is reopening, labor markets progress towards normalization, pandemic-related uncertainty is fading, and pandemic benefits are ending. We continue to see a strengthening in the down trend of initial claims data. The 4-week average decelerated to 199,250 from 206,500, the lowest level since October 1969.

Within Reach of 52 Year Lows For Weekly U.I. Claims  - summary 

Within Reach of 52 Year Lows For Weekly U.I. Claims  - initialClaims 

Within Reach of 52 Year Lows For Weekly U.I. Claims  - puaClaims

Within Reach of 52 Year Lows For Weekly U.I. Claims  - contJobless

Within Reach of 52 Year Lows For Weekly U.I. Claims  - uiBen

Within Reach of 52 Year Lows For Weekly U.I. Claims  - peuc

Within Reach of 52 Year Lows For Weekly U.I. Claims  - totUnemp