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Below is a brief excerpt from a complimentary research note written by our Consumables analysts Howard Penney and Daniel BiolsiWe are pleased to announce our new Sector Pro Product Consumables Pro. Click HERE to learn more.

Disappointing U.K. Pub Sector Reopening - 6 8 2021 1 18 04 PM

Disappointing pub reopening (BUD)

The British Beer and Pub Association, which represents the U.K. pub sector, said its survey of members revealed that sales for the first week of indoor reopening were 20% lower than the same week in 2019.

Sales of drinks were up 114% above pre-pandemic levels when pubs were allowed to open for outdoor business in April, but indoor reopening has been disappointing.

Only 40% of the pubs reopened for outdoor business due to space limitations. The association said that 95% of pubs have now reopened.

The U.K. allowed pubs to reopen the week of May 17, but there are restrictions.

Pubs are only allowed to offer table service with no standing drinking allowed, the size of groups limited to 6, and one meter of distance between tables in England.

The government’s current plan is to lift all COVID restrictions, including for pubs, on June 21.

The CEO of Marston’s, which operates about 1,500 pubs, said there is a shortage of EU labor impacting the sector. 

As we have seen in the U.S., the reopening for bars takes a little time as customers return to their pre-pandemic ways.

Reopening in the U.K. is more of a clear positive for the alcohol industry due to the higher on-premise mix compared to the U.S.